I will be more than happy and over the moon as Fowler repeatedly prove that my thought for their part time working mode is incorrect, that they will make hard efforts to catch up the jobs and complete our baby house as fast/good quality as possible.
Actually, I very much open my eyes to witness many "fundamental changes" within Fowler's building system:
1) New team for pre-construction
# The head of this new team is very hard working guy. Several times he sent emails to me after 6.30pm and before 8am. And he is trying his best to be a man of his words
# I heard Fowler seriously want to improve their DA, CDC, CC approval procedures for their clients by paying a lot money to hire a very experienced lady from EDH
2) New studio for color selection and new Kitchen guy
# Frankly, I like very much old Kitchen guy as he was the only one who visited ....us ....at 8am ....to make a kitchen plan for us. He had his personal circumstance so that he couldn't communicate with us within 1 month. However, his hardest effort to fix his mistake under such personal trategy have made me to have a good view about Fowler's contractors. From the bottom of my heart, I wish him the best of luck for his re-start job
# The communication with new Kitchen guy is still behind my expectation. However, I hope that we will get our beautiful kitchen
3) 2 new SS
I wait very badly for my opportunity to finally say thank you Fowler, thank you SS for their hardest efforts to professionally build our beautiful house
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