Our rebuild modified Vienna 42 with Fowler

Our rebuild modified Vienna 42 with Fowler

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Week 13 (May 15 Tue _ May 19 Mon): Bricking

1) What had done in Week 12:

- In accordance with the plan, on Mon (May 7) Framing company sent their carpenter to fix the wrongful roof trusses pieces. Actually  that carpenter worked only few hours to fix the problem.

- Fowler 's 3 very professional and generous carpenters led by A were back and finally completed our frame on Tue (May 8)

- On Wed (May 9), our site was clean up

- On Thur (May 10) , 3 plumbers installed our hot/cold water and gas lines. I had a very long chat with SS in which I had confirmation that :

# Fowler will  re-order all 3 sets of stacker doors (2430mm) to our rear yard and will fix all frames to mat with those higher stacker doors. They plan to do during our bricking to save our time

# Our brick will be commenced on the next day FRIDAY (MAY 11) by the team of 6 brickies

- Bricks were delivered on May 10. And I was upset but  not surprised to see a color variation of our bricks. However, it took me 2 hours to think of it and then I finally decided to get a resolution for that color problem. Therefore, we were willing to get our very awaited bricking commencement canceled

- On Fri (May 11), sand was delivered and it was supposed to have a meeting between Fowler's construction manager with Austrial representative to reach an agreed solution for our variety color brick. I thought we don't really need Fowler management level to go there for our brick resolution as I knew such kind of resolution was already reached from site supervisor level.

- Unfortunately, our dear SS  had a day off on Friday (May 11) to celebrate his 4th wedding anniversary so that his boss was there for him. However, I hoped it would work but I also felt it would not work as SS advised that SS was not sure the brickies would be on our site on Monday (May 14)

- Actually, it would not work so I'm now waiting for SS further information.

2) Week 12 's features:

- Everything on the schedules
- our bricking commencement was arranged 1 day earlier than my expectation. However, we decided to cancel it and looked for a resolution for our bricks
- I was very very grateful for generous help from Fowler's carpenters, particularly A. I will always remember your generous help as I'm in .....Laundry.

3) my "jobs" for Week 13:

- Stacker doors to Court Yard
- French door to Balcony
- Relocate sliding door to Bed 1
- new bricking plan
- kitchen for new layout around Fridge
- electrician layout for Laundry area

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